

Welcome to Spring Perth!

Over the winter months, we tend to keep everything closed, keeping the warmth in. We start to collect a few extra things, including a few extra layers of dust and cobwebs, as well as, well you know, miscellaneous “items”. Otherwise known as clutter.
As the sun streams in through the windows, you may literally see your home in a different light. Before beginning a spring clean it’s always smart to begin with a de-clutter.

We recommend the four box method:

  1. Throw away,
  2. Give away,
  3. Keep, or
  4. Relocate.

Be ruthless. Throw away broken or worn items you know nobody else will ever use. Items in the “Give away” box are packed into smaller plastic grocery bags then put straight in the car to be dropped off at a Charity donation centre. Items you keep need a “home”, a place where they are put back after use. If you come across items that don’t really need to live in that particular room, Relocate them, bearing in mind they will need a home somewhere.
Have a few things in the “Give away” box that seem a bit too valuable to give away? Next time we’ll look at how to decide if you should sell them or just get rid of them.

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